Join the expedition and research team dedicated to protecting and studying the behavior of blue and mako sharks in the Bay of Biscay. You’ll also receive freediving training and actively assist the team with daily research activities.

Your trip fee directly supports the NGO's work, contributing to protecting and studying these incredible animals.

8 Days from 2875€

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nachhaltiger Tourismus/sustainable tourism


8 Days

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nachhaltiger Tourismus/sustainable tourism


8 Days

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nachhaltiger Tourismus/sustainable tourism


8 Days

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nachhaltiger Tourismus/sustainable tourism


8 Days

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What to expect on your research expedition

nachhaltiger Tourismus/sustainable tourism


We design our expeditions flexibly to adapt to changing weather conditions and the team's needs. However, we aim to include the following key activities in every expedition:

  • 3-4 Boat Trips: Depending on the research goals and the success of initial outings. Boat trips typically start in the afternoon and continue into the evening. During the expedition, you’ll assist with collecting environmental DNA samples, setting up camera traps, gathering temperature data, and identifying sharks. We want you to be deeply involved in our marine biology work!
  • 3-4 Coastal Dives: The team will take you to spectacular coastal locations for shore-based exploration dives using research and filming equipment.
  • Marine Biology Seminars
  • Collaborative Data Analysis

nachhaltiger Tourismus/sustainable tourism


  • 3-4 Boat Trips
  • 3-4 Dives including freediving coaching
  • Workshops & seminars on marine biology and ocean conservation
  • Freediving course with certification (offered monthly in Siegburg, prior to the expedition)
  • All Equipment Included
  • Professional photo package
  • Carbon offset contribution to support climate protection

nachhaltiger Tourismus/sustainable tourism


We place great emphasis on respectful encounters with the animals. Therefore, the following rules apply:

  • No touching
  • No photography during the first dive
  • No flash photography
  • No hand feeding
  • Only dark, solid-colored wetsuits, including gloves

Our scientific and diving activities are highly dependent on weather and oceanographic conditions. Although we embark on the expedition during the best season of the year, storms, precipitation, wind, currents, and biotic factors may prevent boat trips, impair visibility and wave conditions, or drive the sharks away from the area. In the past few years, the majority of boat trips were successfully conducted during the planned summer weeks. However, we cannot guarantee that all trips will take place or that sharks will be sighted.

nachhaltiger Tourismus/sustainable tourism


The long-term goal is to establish local marine protected areas and give the sharks of our continent a chance to survive. By participating in the expedition, you are directly contributing to the implementation of these projects. On our boat trips, we will collectively search for sharks and dive with them. Together, we will study these charismatic creatures with the aim of learning as much as possible about their populations along the coast.

On each expedition, marine biologists and participants gather vital data for scientific studies. These research projects will contribute to strengthening marine protected areas, where marine species and habitats are preserved. The research team has a particular focus on studying species that are endangered.


Who can participate?

No prior experience is required to assist the researchers with data collection. Your tasks will involve data recording and sailing activities. Every contribution is welcome, and there are suitable roles for all ages and genders. You should have a basic level of physical fitness and be able to spend time outdoors in high temperatures. If you have a physical or mental limitation, participation is possible with prior consultation with the project coordinators.

What tasks will be required of me?

During the expedition, you will assist with collecting environmental DNA samples, setting up camera traps, gathering temperature data, and identifying sharks. We aim to involve you closely in our marine biology work!

Can I get seasick?

The gentle to rough waves of the Bay of Biscay test not only the endurance of the ship but also the well-being of the crew. Seasickness, known as the unpleasant dizziness caused by the constant motion of the sea, can affect even the most experienced sailors. If you're prone to it, please prepare accordingly and bring the necessary medications.

How to get there & how does accommodation work?

Travel arrangements must be organized independently. However, the project location is easily accessible by public transportation. The team at socialbnb will be happy to assist with your planning. Accommodation is not included in this experience, as there are various local options available. We are happy to connect you with other participants and support you in finding a place to stay.

nachhaltiger Tourismus/sustainable tourism
nachhaltiger Tourismus/sustainable tourism
nachhaltiger Tourismus/sustainable tourism
nachhaltiger Tourismus/sustainable tourism
nachhaltiger Tourismus/sustainable tourism
nachhaltiger Tourismus/sustainable tourism
nachhaltiger Tourismus/sustainable tourism
nachhaltiger Tourismus/sustainable tourism

About socialbnb

socialbnb offers accommodation and experiences with a social and ecological impact worldwide. By visiting social and ecological projects, you learn more about the respective project work and support it directly through your stay. Since 2021, socialbnb has been offering a wide variety of stays and experiences at social and ecological projects in more than 45 countries and has been awarded by several international institutions such as the World Tourism Organization (UNWTO).

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