Selvatorium Double room



Double room in a Bungalow, Your impact host is Vanessa

2 persons

socialbnb projects characteristics

About your accomodation

Living in Selvatorium is a unique experience; we are a 60-minute walk from the town of Palomino, nestled in the middle of the jungle between Kogi and Arhuaco territory, right next to the beautiful Palomino River.It's the opportunity to be on a vast wild estate, away from mass-tourism.We offer traditional cabins that provide certain amenities such as wifi, potable water, solar power, etc.
The only way to reach us is by walking...

Your overnight stay supports

Our school for Kogui and Arhauco children

Tell me more


There are several beautiful river beaches nearby. Also, we can arrange with our neighbors to take you on hikes to another river or to indigenous villages or homesteads. You can always receive traditional cooking and weaving workshops with the Arhauco or Kogi women. Or learn how to plant crops, construct houses etc. with the men, these activities can vary depending on what is happening at the moment within the community...


    /per night
    If you need some help before your booking you can contact us here


    How to get there

    You must first fly to either the city of Santa Marta or Rio Hacha, Colombia.From there take a bus or taxi to Palomino; a village midway between these two cities.Buy all the food you need and take a moto taxi to the hotel Sanctuario One Love.At the gate of this hotel, you will meet one of our guides who will have brought a mule to help carry all your things to Selvatorium...


    languages all over the world
    • Spanish
    • English


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