One-week sailing trip to protect whales and dolphins in the Mediterranean
Wildlife filming and photography immersion with hands-on experience in Vietnam’s diverse wildlife.
Supports Women and girls socioeconomic empowerment and community development.
Supports Primary education, HIV awareness and female entrepreneurship empowerment in Tanzania.
Supports our initiatives on environmental protection and education in Colombia.
Supports the education and training of the local youth to learn vocational skills and increase thei...
Supports the economic, social and environmental independence of our communities.
Supports environmental education on topics like permaculture and sustainable production.
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Cultural experience with the Kogi & the Arhuacos
Supports lokal organic farmers, villages and ecotourism.
Supports Your overnight stay supports to maintain and run the community center e.g. for workshops, ...
Supports Agricultural entrepreneur scholarships for Balinese youth.
Supports rural Cambodian youths' education and empowerment.
Supports our community environmental education projects in Victoria, Chile.
Supports the community development against violence, discrimination, and social exclusion.
Supports the development of portable solar charging & lighting solutions for rural families.
Supports our educational iniciatives in the countryside with topics like gender and agroecology.
Supports Community-led initiatives towards elimination of Violence Against Women & Girls.
Supports the planting of 25,000 trees and the training of 200 children in sustainable reforestation...
Supports the conservation and protection of local nature reserves and local culture.