Supports our socially, economically and ecologically sustainable community development.
Supports our empowerment programs for economic and social independence of the Ugandan youth.
Supports our community permaculture and reforesting projects in Tenerife.
Learn about conservation, make new friends, sleep under the stars and enjoy the nature in Namibia
Supports the empowered and collaborative community of disabled people in Rwanda.
Supports water conservation and environmental education in the Jordan Valley
Supports cultural restitution, trainings and employment opportunities for the San of southern Afric...
Supports the community development and reduction of human-wildlife conflict
Supports access to essential water and sanitation services in South Africa.
Supports health services for the local community
Supports the reduction of stray animals in Sao Vicente through active animal welfare.
Supports the quality education improvements at local level in Ghana.
All surf and yoga lessons included
Supports Conservation and environmental education.
Supports wildlife conservation and the reduction of human-wildlife conflict.